Tag Archives: religion

This election will determine the fate of our nation………….

If we fail in our duty, Revolution may be the only viable solution left!

It really bothers me that conservatives in this country do not take this election as serious as they should!!
On one hand, we have a somewhat lukewarm populist Republican candidate, and then we have a president that is practically the devil incarnate, the enemy of everything that freedom-loving people hate!

Make no mistake, Obama, (given a second term), will dismantle and destroy all that we hold dear in this country!

Let’s review the facts of his first term:

1. He has declared war on Christianity, while praising Muslims and the Islamic world.
2. He rammed a Healthcare bill down the throat of the american people, when he KNEW it was against their wishes!
3. He has declared war on gun-owners and gun ownership…….(For a reason!)
4. He has completely made it clear that he is a socialist who wants to re-distribute the wealth of this country!

It is time to make a choice, Conservatives! Romney may not be be the best choice, but the alternative makes me shudder!
Wake up and smell the coffee……We band together or we will surely perish as a free people!!!

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