Nebraska and Texas, Conservative and Friendly!

Image Nebraska Adventure!

Well, this commentator made the move to the great state of Nebraska, a few months back, and like many Texans, I had my misconceptions about one of the most beautiful and friendly states in our Union!

1. Nebraska is flat land with lots of corn…….

No! Nebraska does have lots of corn, because it is primarily an agricultural state, but also other crops like alfalfa, wheat, soybeans, etc.  Nebraska has beautiful bluffs, rolling hills, and groves of trees!

2. Nebraska is “Yankee” Country………

No! Nebraskans are above all conservative, god-fearing, and far from being “Yankees”, even though they are north of the Mason-Dixon line!  Nebraska was partially founded by many Southerners who settled here after the War Between the States!

Most people don’t realize that many Texans also helped settle this state, helping to create the cattle industry here.  One of the main streets in the state capitol of Lincoln, is named VAN DORN….after Confederate General, Earl Van Dorn!  Nebraskans are midwesterners, NOT Yankee!

This state, like Texas, is one of the last bastions of conservative thinking!  In conclusion, I close with the words of the immortal Horace Greeley:  ” Go West, Young Man, Go West!”

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